Season’s Greetings & Happy New Year

Thank You to all I have met in 2018.

Your support, your input, your challenges to me and your way of interacting with me is immensely rewarding.

The biggest Thank You is to those of you who I now refer to as my clients. Thank You for trusting in me and giving me the opportunity to show how I put the words in the Talent Cloud into action and to value for you.

Several components in the leadership development part of the MBA journey made me realize, what is important for me. This led to a career change I had not imagined at the beginning of the year, but here I am as the owner of my own business.

It is not because it is my own business it makes me happy. It is because what I do in my own business makes me happy. The way I work with my clients where I do exactly what my “Indicator Talent Cloud” has illustrated to me 2 years ago motivates me.

It is incredibly rewarding to be allowed to work with organizations, who let me encourage, optimize, improve and enhance based on my experience. Looking at my Talent Cloud again, I realize this shows extremely well what I do and what I love to do with organizations.

3 months after launching my own business and having 30+ meetings in 3 days at a recent conference my calendar is pretty booked for several months and with more in the pipeline. It is an amazing start of a new career.

My very best Season’s Greetings and wishes for a Happy New Year to all.