The 30 Year Old Bug Bite

November 8 marks the 30 year anniversary for a bug bite. I got bitten by the travel bug.

A few months earlier I had graduated with my diploma and was a few months in to the first real paid job. I was a production controller for a leading Danish fashion brand and my role was to be the link between the design team in Denmark and the factories in Hong Kong and China.

On this date 30 years ago I boarded the Thai Airways Boeing 747-300 in Copenhagen, found my seat at the window in row 52 and headed out for my first long haul flight. My first flight on my own and only my 7th take-off in total in my life. 17-18 hours later I arrived in Hong Kong. A quick shower and off to the first lunch – of course with chop sticks. To this day, Cantonese food is one of my favorite and after probably 50 visits to Hong Kong there will always be a special place in my heart for Hong Kong.

I had 3 days of training in the role in Hong Kong with a Danish colleague and after that I was on my own for 4 weeks in the local office. No social media, no streaming services. Just a daily fax to colleagues in HQ and a weekly call to my mum to let her know I was OK. The owner Klaus Helmersen insisted that I made that call once a week from the office to her. I learned a lot from him.

To me it was nothing special at the age of 24 to have such a responsibility on my own as I was prepared for it – and I didn’t know what I may have lacked of knowledge – I just did it. When I was not in the office or in factories or in China I walked around in so many areas in Hong Kong, to learn, to see, to explore. I was curious and still I am curious. The first many years of travelling opened my eyes for the world, how different we are and why that is good.

Many jobs and a couple of career jumps later, that desire to explore the world, to nourish my appetite and curiosity is still there. I am not done with travelling the world. I am not done with exploring cultures and interact with people. My work is on a global scale, so I can continue to travel the world and keep my eyes open.

The travel bug bite and the “venom” left in me is one of the important things that has helped to shape my career and develop me to the person I am today.

Thank You Dear Travel Bug – go and bites as many as you can.